Mgegui has stopped working
Mgegui has stopped working

You can now select the other language – English (India) and click on the Remove button to delete this language. Step 6: This will move English (United States) to the top of the list.

mgegui has stopped working

Step 5: Now, select the language – English (United States) and click on the Up arrow to set it as the default language.

mgegui has stopped working

*Note: While downloading and installing the language, make sure your internet connection is active. Step 4: Next, check the box next to Set as my display language (this is optional, that is, only if you want to set the language as display language), and click on Install at the bottom. Double-click on it to install the language. Step 3: Now, type English in the search field and scroll down to look for English (United States). So, for that, click on the + symbol next to Add a preferred language option. Here, we need to install the English (United States) language.

mgegui has stopped working

Now, on the right side of the pane, scroll down and under Preferred languages, you will see the already installed languages. Step 2: The Language settings window opens with the Language option on the left.

Mgegui has stopped working