Also all political trees end with a +200 political power grant, these are "We March Forward"(Democracy), "Join the Internationale"(Syndicalist), "United We Stand"(AFM) and "The Future is Ours"(New Guard) Note: Both the Syndicalists and AFM have access to the "New Social Reforms" and "End White Australasia" focuses granting economic bonus as well as increasing monthly manpower. Finally ending with "A Rising Power" or "To Serve The Empire" providing political power and a relations increase or hit with the Dominion of Canada.

Victory for the Guard: New Guard focuses will unlock following a Centre Party victory in the 1939 election or coup following syndicalist takeover or defeat in the 1939 election, The New Guard will imminently set about destroying syndicalism giving changes to party popularity as well as additional manpower from the "Create The Secret Police" focus after which The New Guard's Australasia will focus on militarising and supporting the Entente alliance with military and manpower buffs through the "We Need Loyal Officers" and "Invite British Advisors" focus branches, as well as economic buffs from the "Laissez Faire Reforms".